Makan Omega Guard Boleh Kurus???

''Fish oil supplements may help overweight people and people with high blood pressure to lose weight, according to the National Institutes of Health. Omega-3 fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids, are found in fish oil. They are considered essential to your diet because your body can't make them.''

Wah seronoknya, disamping otak jadi cerdas badan pun boleh kurus, syok ni. Macam mana Omega-3 yang terdapat dalam Omega Guard Shaklee ni boleh bakar lemak? Caranya, omega-3 bertindak dengan hormon yang dipanggil Leptin (dalam bahasa Greek Leptin bermaksud kurus). Hormon leptin akan bagu signal pada otak kita untuk sekat selera makan jadi kita akan kurang makan. Apabila dah kurang makan berat akan berkurang la. Disamping itu leptin meningkatkan metabolisme dengan cara meningkatkan hormon tiriod (tiriod yang mengawal metabolisme). Leptin juga merangsang badan membakar lemak menjadi tenaga. Kesimpulan omega-3 merangsang hormon leptin bagi meningkatkan metabolisme badan untuk tujuan pembakaran lemak.

Sumber :

3 more ways Omega-3 fats help you lose weight is:
· Omega-3 fats help you control your hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels
· An Australian study showed that when people took Omega-3 fats while on an exercise program burned more fat than people who Only Exercised (without taking Omega-3 fats) and people who exercised & took other types of fat.
· Studies done in Japan & The Czech republic suggest that Omega-3 fats prevent the creation of ugly body fat and these same studies suggested Omega-3 fats promote more fat burning.

Sumber :

''A 2001 study published in the May 2002 edition of "Obesity Research" discovered that rats fed fish oil gained less weight than rats fed soybean oil. Furthermore, a 2004 study published in "Lipids" confirms the link between weight loss and fish oil as rats with an omega-3 rich diet exhibited reduced levels of fat and leptin. Leptin is a hormone which regulates the appetite and is generally lower in individuals with low body fat content. The 2004 study in "Lipids" concludes that DHA fat oil reduces the accumulation of body fat by restricting the hypertrophy and hyperplasia of fat cells. "Mosby's Medical Dictionary" explains that hypertrophy and hyperplasia refers to an enlargement of cells and an increase in cell production, respectively.''

Sumber Omega-3 :
Ha macam mana dah percaya sekarang yang omega-3 boleh kuruskan badan. Omega Guard merupakan minyak ikan terbaik dunia kerana cara pengekstrakan minyak ikan menggunakan teknologi tinggi dan mampu menapis logam berat yang bahaya pada tubuh kita. Disamping menggunakan dari ikan dari laut dalam yang sejuk yang memang kaya dengan omega.

Antara Set Kurus:
Omega Guard+Alfalfa
Omega Guard+Herb Lax
Omega Guard+Lecithin+Alfalfa
Omega Guard+Lecithin+Alfalfa+Herb Lax+Cinch Shake

Jadi, sempena promosi shaklee bulan December 2013 ini jangan ketinggalan mendapatkan stok omega anda. Harga memang sangat berbaloi.

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