Breastfeeding Benefits

Human milk is meant for human why must feel ashamed of it? 

I am proud saying i am breastfeeding mom. Bf in public not an issue anymore. Most of shopping mall provided nursing eventho always full but the option is there. Now alot of nursing wears, plenty of choices and fashionable also. No more excuses.

Breast milk is the best thing u can give to ur child. From day 1 until day 3 your body produce
 colostrum..golden liquid that full with wonderfull benefits then come normal milk. The magical things about breast milk are it will change accordingly following ur baby needs.

If hot day your milk will be more watery to rid of baby thirst,if cold day your milk will be more thick to keep ur baby warm. Amazing rite!

There are alot more wonderfull facts about breastfeeding. I will share it with u all.

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